Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Kerjasama Di Tempat Kerja ( Better workplace cooperation: a foundation for business success ) By. Janususilo

Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises,

Better workplace cooperation: a foundation for business success
By. Janususilo- Indonesia

A. Background
Being more vulnerable to external shocks, most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia have been finding it difficult to sustain operations due to the global financial crisis, new free trade area agreement and the quality of their jobs is being compromised in the process. The large majority of employment for both women and men is found in SMEs and the key to sustainable economic development that leads to effective poverty reduction lies in competitive and growing SMEs. Current research is showing that innovations in work organization, continuous workplace learning, good labour-management relations, and respect for workers’ rights are important ways of raising productivity while also promoting decent work.  The broad problem that this project will address is how to minimize the impact of the financial crisis by fostering responsible and thus sustainable workplace practices – economic, social and environmental – in SMEs in order to improve their productivity and competitiveness in a manner that contributes to sustainable economic development.

B.Team Members
The development objective of SCORE is that Indonesia’s SMEs are more sustainable through being cleaner, more productive and competitive and provide more sustainable and decent employment. To achieve this, the project is expected to have achieved the following concrete outcomes by the end of the two year project  2010 - 2012:
a)        Industry associations can market and coordinate enterprise upgrading services to their local members.
b)        Service providers can effectively deliver training and advisory services for workplace upgrading on a commercially sustainable basis.
c)        Labour inspectorate services work with mass media to disseminate progressive workplace practices.

C. Partnerships and sustainability
In Indonesia the project will work with the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (NPO Indonesia), while looking at also involving other relevant government institutions, including the Ministry of Industry, while also seeking to involve national sector institutions and associations for replication. On the local level industry associations / foundation and technical service providers will be capacitated to promote and deliver services on a commercial basis to build responsible competitiveness among SMEs. The project has a sustainability strategy, but acknowledges that the timeframe is limited to ensure a sustainable business service programme. The project will be advised by a Tripartite Advisory Committee at the national level.

C. The Role and Responsibility of SCORE EXPERT/Consultant To develop Workplace Cooperation (Modul 1)

The SCORE expert will conduct as follow:
- Series of activities for Module 1 in the Jakarta area and train the local expert all related activities to the workshop module 1 implementation to the local enterprises consist of :

1) Training of Trainer , the participant ToT from Jakarta (local trainers) will be able to:
·       Describe the SCORE objectives, themes and approach (for the local trainer/expert, incl: able to market, to replicate the training and to upgrade the enterprises based on SCORE Methodology)
·       Explain workplace cooperation and why it is important to enterprise improvement.
·       Implement steps to improve the enterprises operations through workplace cooperation based on:
·       Better communications and trust between workers and managers.
·       Enterprises Improvement teams.
·       Consultations between workers and managers.
·       5S and other initiatives to improve working conditions and enterprise operations.
·       Establish commitment and baseline assessment from potential enterprises

2) Market the SCORE project,
3) Baseline assessment in Jakarta
4) Workshop for selected enterprises
5) on-site visit upgrading.

Client Organization Profile

Company Name                             :   PT Tesena Inovindo
Address                                        :   Jl. H Jusin No.43 Susukan Ciracas Jakarta 13750 INDONESIA
Established                                    :  June 1, 1988
Number of Employee                     :  100 persons
Factory                                         :  Jakarta : 4200 square meters              Cimahi  : 2200 square meters
Certification                                   :  ISO 9001: 2008     by TUV; ISO 13485: 2003 + AC:2009  by  TUV ;  SNI  ( Indonesian National Standard )   CE
Line of Production                          :  Medical Equipment (Infant Incubator, Infant Warmer,Phototherapy unit, UV Room Sterilizer, Scrub Station, etc)                                                                                                                           Hospital Furniture (Beds, Trolleys, etc)   Weighing Scale
Export Middle East                         :  Syria, UAE, Yemen , Asian     :  Malaysia, Srilanka, Bangladesh , Africa          :  Algeria, Nigeria

A. Strengths
Management is very excited to do the improvement and development company. Ada rencana untuk perluasan perusahaan. There are plans for expansion of the company. Potensi pengembangan perusahaan cukup besar, mengingat potensi permintaan Pasar domestic yang belum dapat dipenuhi oleh perusahaan sejenis di Indonesia perusahaan sudah belum memiliki sistem manajemen yang baku akan tetapi belum adanya standar waktu kerja. The potential development of the company is big enough, considering the potential of domestic market demand that can not be met by similar companies in Indonesia, the company  have a standardized management system but not  standard labor time. Pendidikan manajerial untuk para manager dan supervisor. Managerial education for managers and supervisors.
Harmony leadership relationship with employees has been formed, there are quality control team and good communication

B. Weaknesses
To serve customer demand based on the Orders of the Tender, the company has a team of engineering has not been strong, especially in R & D and PPIC so often happens bottle neck in the Assembling, the production of a narrow and contour land that does not mean forcing management to policy production zigzag process. Kekurangan SDM untuk produksi terutama untuk operator machine shop dan belum adanya Manager SDM.. Lack of human resources for production, especially for machine shop operators and not human resources  Manager .Komunikasi dengan karyawan telah terbina dengan baik melalui pertemuan rutin harian, mingguan dan bulanan. Communication with employees has  well through regular meetings daily, weekly and monthly.
Layout belum tertata sehingga flow proses belum optimal dan berpotensi terjadi hambatan.Layout has not been arranged so that the flow is not optimal process and potentially place constraints. Pengelompokan proses belum jelas dan belum diatur. The grouping process is unclear and has not been set. Penempatan barang belum diatur dan tersebar diberbagai tempat. Placement of goods has not been set and scattered in various places. Penempatan Finish, WIP dan rejected part berpotensi untuk tertukar terjadinya Penumpukan WIP di bagian Assemling. Finish Placement, WIP and Rejected parts has the potential to confuse the WIP accumulation at the Assembling. Ruang pabrik berdebu terasa panas dan pengap. Dusty factory space was hot and stuffy. Penggunaan APD belum disiplin walaupun telah disediakan. The use of Tools Body Protection has not been provided despite the discipline.
workflow and the flow of goods needs to be rearranged so that the process is easily identified and monitored, Visual controls need to be implemented better, need to make efficiencies to the production of stock because of uncertainty about product specifications orders result from government tenders

C. External Environment
PT. Tesena Indovindo berlokasi di  Jl. Tesena Indovindo located on Jl. H. H. Jusin No.43 Susukan Ciracas – Jakarta Timur Telp. Jusin No.43  Susukan Ciracas – East Jakarta Phone. 021-8412414 terletak dipinggir masuk 500 meter dari jalan Raya Bogor, sehingga akses keperusahaan relative mudah.. 021-8412414 is located 500 meters from the road Raya Bogor, making access relatively easy to the company,  

A. Consulting Process
Consultancy program increased productivity through collaboration in the workplace, carried out the following stages:

1.    Market the SCORE project,
promotion of the program consulting to companies in order to increase its productivity, the promotion is done by inviting companies to attend a workshop about the program referred consultancy.

2.     Baseline assessment
An overview survey of enterprises to determine their starting point in the programme
Trainer/ consultants will be identified in the participating organizations and selected based on a rigorous selection process. A set of national experts on the different topics of SCORE will also be selected.

3.     Workshop for selected enterprises
Workshop/Training will be conducted first in class session for two days, follow by in factory counselling sessions for the enterprise improvement teams in order to support the identification of critical issues and implementation of the methods learned.participants (Enterprises representatives) will:
a)    Understand the SCORE objectives, themes and approach on how to implement the module 1 in their respective enterprise in order to upgrade the enterprise based on SCORE Methodology);
b)    Understand about workplace cooperation and why it is important to enterprise improvement;
c)     Implement steps to improve their operations through workplace cooperation based on:
-        Better communications and trust between workers and managers;
-        Enterprises Improvement teams;
-        Consultations between workers and managers;
-        5S and other initiatives to improve working conditions and enterprise operations;
-        Document improvements in workplace cooperation and enterprise improvement.
d)    Action plan for productivity improvement in the company
e)    on-site visit upgrading.
company visits conducted 5 times in 3 months, in order to guide the team increased productivity in the company in accordance with the agreed action plan between owners, management and workers. During which time a consultant can provide training to workers in the enterprise 

B. Setting the target
The Target  programs of  workplace cooperation consultancy is an industry engaged in the manufacturing process is labor intensive , the number of workers between 50 to 250 workers located in Jakarta

C. Implementation

1.     Social Marketing
To promote consultancy program to 10 enterprises in the class room attended by owner and manager of SMEs

2.     Baseline Assessment
To get a clear picture about the level of sophistication and needs of corporate training, trainers should conduct initial assessments of each company's current situation and use the results of these assessments as a starting point / baseline for subsequent assessments. The assessment is gathering background information relevant to the training company and a starting point for the company concerned to improve operations and performance.

Keep the results of the assessment against the company in company files. The assessment can be used as a basic reference for the implementation of the program to assess the performance improvements.
The most importance objective of baseline assessment is to know commitment from owner or top management

3.     Training of enterprise/Workshop
Program SCORE – Consulting Process

Down Arrow Callout: 1. SCORE  Promotion (soscial Marketing)
2. Companies signing up to joint program
3. Baseline Assessment (Preliminary Survey Meeting) “commitment to action”

Workshop Module l

Ø2 days workshop
Ø4 participants/company (Top Mgt, Manager, 2 Workers)
ØAction Plan for better Workplace cooperation


Company Visit I:
Assessment & Action Plan

ؽ day site visit  , 1 week after workshop
ØIdentification OFI
Ø Company Team Review, base on workshop result 

ؽ day site visit  , 3 weeks after first visit
Ø To review the company's progress in implementing the action plan
ØClarification and disscussion with company Team


Company visit II

ؽ day site visit  , 3 week after second visit
ØTo review the company's progress in implementing the action plan
ØClarification and disscussion with company Team
ØExpert recomendation interm of  problem solving

Company Visit III


Workshop on Consultancy Result

ؽ day meeting/ workshop company progress presentation
ØParticipants from external companies invited



  D. Target Setting
Target setting Module 1: Workplace cooperation should be expressed in terms which are :
Explain workplace cooperation and why it is important to enterprise improvement.
Implement steps to improve workplace cooperation through:
-           Better communications and trust between workers and managers.
-           Enterprises Improvement Teams.
-           Consultations between workers and managers.
-           5S initiatives to improve working conditions.
Increase customer satisfaction by:
-           Reducing production defects.
-           Enhancing product and service quality.
-           Delivering on time.

Time phased module workplace cooperation is 3 months

E. Countermeasures

Activities expert / consultant During a visit to the company consists of:

·  Conduct an assessment of the operations in each company.
·  Discuss their findings with the management company.
·  Agree on a set of goals for the company and develop a plan of action together with company management.
·  help participating companies repair company formed a team that became the core team in the repair company.
·  Comply with a predetermined schedule; begin and end on time.
·  Respecting the principle of SCORE by promoting joint problem solving, communication between workers and managers, a systematic process for continuous improvement and measurement.
·  Conduct workplace inspections at the company, together with the improvement of the company, complete self-assessment, identifying areas that need improvement, and jointly improve the action plan and set a cycle of improvement.
·  Provide guidance to the company, the company improved measures for improvement through tracking indicators of the unit in accordance with the plan of remedial action;


Consulting Approach

Project, Indicator and Method  (PIM)

Module 1: Workplace Cooperation
Improve Cooperation between manager and workers
The existence of the scheme advice, bulletin boards, newsletters company newsletter
The number of joint meeting held 
Sharing company information in public places people see
Encourage the convening of a meeting between workers and managers to solve problems together, sharing information and working together 
Establish Enterprise Improvement Team
Establishment of a complete team with the composition / structure members, the minutes of meetings on a regular basis, the certainty / clarity about the number of projects implemented 
Encourage workers and managers to participate in team / program
Hold regular team meetings to discuss the Project SCORE 
Implement 5S atleast

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris

5S level achieved in each field;
SEIRI, .. Rp .......
Reduce Reject / Repair ..%
Absentism ...%
Facilities for workers (toilets, Canteen, Praying rooms, meeting rooms etc) 
Decides to one day to clean up and do the cleaning on a large scale across the enterprise
Ask the teams to sort and separate the unnecessary items from the items required in the workplace
Use the photos before and after revamping and cleaning is done to highlight the changes that occur 

 F. Evaluation Process and Results

The following table is to assist consultants to evaluate the process consultancy

 Task/ activity
Due date
Held a meeting with the team to discuss the modules and modifications may be needed and reviewing the background information about the participating companies 

Collect relevant information about the national law relating to the topics module 

Review the plan the session, the issues of learning and activities and add to the content as needed 

Prepare all training materials, case studies and copies of all materials to be distributed to participants 

Collect resources / additional material events as required 

Facilitation Workshop

Review Workshop and Re-evaluate

Hold a meeting with the SCORE team to finalizing the schedule of company visits 


D. Result

1. Better Workplace Coopreation after establishment of Enterprise Improvement Team
2. Workplace more neat, safe, and comfortable
3. Absenteeism from 5% to 1%
4. Rework Painting from 10% to 6% after intial seiri
5. Average Gross margin increased 80% (that is not only  5S contribution , Many factors determine in gross profit,)

Testimony from PT. Tesena Inovindo

5S brings considerable changes in the Moral of the operator in our area. Indeed, this change does not happen immediately, it takes approximately one month to convince the operator that the working conditions so neat and clean work more comfortable and more safety.
After re arrange of goods and machinery in the workplace, morale of the operator increases. This is caused due to easiness of work that automatically changes the way we conduct occurred after the first 3S. For example, in the work area Assembling the beginning of goods in-process where it has not been localized, with SEIRI done, the arrangement of goods Work in process so it's neat that their extraction is easy to do, because it does not require a lot of work, this makes the operator more active duty. And most importantly we will be easier to control the WIP”.


E. Difficulties

Difficulties encountered during the process of consulting at companies such as:

  1. Getting a commitment from the owner or top management
  2. willingness of the company representatives to attend the initial workshop held prior to consulting
  3. presence of productivity improvement teams are often not on schedule because of work activities
  4. creating a productive cultural awareness at the company caused a relatively low level of education.

Head of Productivity Research and
Senior Consultants
NPO Indonesia

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